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The Goldfish Guru (Jo Ann) says:
Pearlscales are not the norm or goldfish.  Almost all goldfish scales are made up of beta carotene.  Pearlscales also contains a large amount of calcium and potassium.  I use a stock solution of PP (1 drop per gallon) within the first 3 days of arrival, plus a reduction in sodium chloride.  I also add a small amount of Epsom Salt like about a tablespoon for 75 gallons and this is level tblsp. and also 2 - 600mg caplets of calcium I purchased over the counter.  I do this for the first couple of weeks at water change day,  then they appear to adjust well. If you have low pH it doesn't hurt to put in a little sodium bicarb either.  This was the first thing recommended to me by Dr. Pete probably to stabilize water and hold the PP so they could benefit from it.

Pearlscales are also extremely sensitive to any amount of ammonia and pH
swings.  High pH appears to bother them also.  My water is out of the ground
at 5.4 and I adjust with organic dolomitic lime and have had no problems with
the exception of ammonia spikes which appear to knock the poor little guys
right off their fins.  The most common occurring problem with them which is body hemorrhage.

Here is what Patsy says:
I'm fortunate to have a friend who thoroughly understands water chemistry and he has been a tremendous guide in my transition from tap to RO water.  He recommended going with RO Right, so that's what we did.  Jo Ann recommended using organic lime to provide the buffering needed for a pH around 7.5.  I use a pH monitor each time I change water to be sure I've added enough lime.  A heaping tsp. per ten gals. seems to be about right. The RO Right calls for two tsp. per each ten gals. of water added.  No need here to worry about a build up, like with salt.  You replace ten gals. of water, you put in two tsp. of RO Right.  Just that simple.  Lime is calcium so the lime is also supplementing a needed mineral.

1.  Dont feed the fish for 24 -48 hours before the move.  They are less likely to poop into the water.  If there is a heater, turn it down 4oF per day until the water temp is room temp.  At the new location check the water parameters, pH and hardness, etc.  Fill up a big (new or very clean) rubbermaid tub or garbage can with enough water to fill your tank, drop in the normal conditioners, drop in an airstone and let it age overnight.
2.  Day of the move get a clean bucket, fill with tank water, drop in an airstone and move the fish over.
3. Empty the tank of water.  There are almost no useful bacteria in the tank water so it is pointless to break your back schlepping water.  The good biobugs live in your filter and sides of your tank.  If there are just filters, give them a good swish in the tank water once the fish are outta there.  Then put the whole filter into a clean garbage bag and tie it tight to prevent drying out.  If there is gravel, clean it in treated water and use zip lock baggies (heavy duty).  Dont clean the tank out.
4.  Load the tank up, take it to the new house, put in the gravel, fill with the aged water, get the filter going, drop in the airstone and let it run until the water is clear.  Now go get the fish.
5.  The BEST way to move fish is in a heavy duty plastic bag.  They dont loose scales, dont get knocked around.  Any fish over 5 inches needs its own plastic bag.  Only put enough water over the fish in the bag to cover it to a depth of twice the height of the fish.  Blow up the bag with air, twist the bag closed TIGHTLY, fold the twisted top down and rubberband it.  It should be tight as a drum.  The reason is it is easy for a fish to get caught in a fold and not be able to move the gills and breath.  The low amount of water will slosh nicely aerating the water with the air in the bag.  The longer the move, the bigger the bag, the more air, the fewer fish.  If the move will take more than a couple hours Amquel or other ammonia neutralizing stuff can be added to the bag water.
6.  When you get to the new house open the bag and IMMEDIATELY move the fish out of the bag into the tank.  DO NOT open and let it float, DO NOT mix bag and tank water or it will fry the gills of the fish.  DO NOT dump the bag water into the tank.
7.  Dont clean the filter until it has been set up for 4 or 5 days after the move.

TEA TREE OIL, Melaleuca controversy

Use of this oil in various formulations should proceed with caution for several reasons.

There are numerous adverse reactions in other animal species.
There are some adverse reactions in fish.
It is related to the turpentine family.
It is a lipophilic oil that is absorbed across the skin, both dry and mucosal.
It is an oil related to those with hepatoxicity and neurotoxicity.
It is not all that effective compared to other medications.
Use in land animals is on a limited area of the skin.  Fish are immersed in this for periods of time.  Ingestion appears to cause more toxicity than contact.

Material Safety Data Sheet.

EO essential oils
Oils that have dangerous Chemical Groups "The most dangerous EO are the ones that contain PHENOLS-chemical group that is HEPATOXIC (cause toxicity of the liver) These include: Oregano,Thyme,Eucalyptus,Clove,Cinnamon,Bay Leaf,Parsley,Savory

Another potent chemical group is the Ketones which are NEUROTOXIC (cause neurological responses) These include: Cedar Leaf*, Sage*, Hyssop*, Cyprus*, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Mint ,Caraway*, Citronella ,Clove*,Ginger*, Chamomile, Thyme, Rosemary. One should be particularly cautious of the oils listed with an asterix*.

pure tea tree oil (Melaleuca oil).
Topical application of pure tea tree (Melaleuca) oil has resulted in severe toxicity in dogs and cats. The active ingredients are similar to turpentine. If you would like to read more on this topic, check out the following:

Villar D, Knight MJ, Hansen SR, Buck WB. Toxicity of melaleuca oil and related essential oils applied topically on dogs and cats. Vet Human Toxicol. 1994;36(2):139-142.

The highly lipophilic nature of melaleuca oil not only potentiates its antiseptic
properties on the skin, but also its dermal absorption, which may account for the
episodes reported to the NAPCC.

Jacobs MR, Hornfeldt. Melaleuca oil poisoning. Clinical Toxicology

Del Beccaro MA. Melaleuca oil poisoning in a 17-month-old. Vet Human Toxicol

Elliott C. Tea tree oil poisoning. Med J Australia 1993;159:830-831.

Seawright A. Tea tree oil: comment. Med J Australia 1993;159:831.

This author commented that some tea tree oils contain a high concentration of
1,8-cineol (eucalyptol, cajeputol). Toxicity similar to that of eucalyptus oil would be
expected. Toxic does of eucalyptus oil range from 5-30 mL in humans, with symptoms
including respiratory depression, coma and death.

deGroot AC, Weyland JW. Systemic contact dermatitis from tea tree oil. Contact
Dermatitis 1992;27:279-280.

Oxidation products (p-cymene, ascaridol, isoascaridol, a ketoperoxide) which start to form in a few days, are more allergenic than fresh distilled oil. The monoterpene portion is a stronger sensitizer than the sesquiterpene fraction Hausen 1999 .

"Warning against a fashionable cure for vulvovaginitis. Tea tree oil may substitute Candida itching with allergy itching " (Sweedish, no abstract) Wolner-Hanssen 1998 .

"Australian tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil poisoning in three purebred cats " (no abstract) Bischoff 1998 .

"Allergy-inducing potency of tea tree oil " (German, no abstract) Kranke 1997 .

"Toxicity of the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia or tea tree oil " (no abstract) Carson 1995 .

Inappropriately high topical doses have caused depression, weakness, incoordination and muscle tremors in dogs & cats. Supportive care has been sufficient to achieve recovery without sequelae within 2-3 d Villar 1994 .

rather than getting the RIGHT kind of ammonia and getting the RIGHT amount in the tank, a pinch of Hikari Gold fish food for a small tank up to a tablespoon in a 75 gallon can be tossed into the tank, the heat set to 82oF and plenty of aeration.  In 3 days or so watch the ammonia.  If no ammonia is seen add more food.