MY OLD HOUSE     the fences

The garage has a concrete apron 
3 feet wide. 
The back yard is open to view from both 
sides and the alley. Other than the lilac, 
the whole yard is weeds. It is a small 
and flat yard. As is, nothing planted 
would stand up to THE MUTTS. 
The tall fence in back was put up on the south lot line when a large bush was cut down by the next door neighbor. The walk from the garage door to the shed door is fenced to funnel the dogs to the mulched area and to keep them out of the area of the yard that will be planted.  The side of the garage is enclosed, the 
top is covered in  plastic to keep the 
snow off and the area is deeply 
mulched for the dogs. 
The yard now has a much nicer area to be planted.... free of dogs.  A Japanese Maple (R. corner) and PJM Rhodo (middle) has already been put in.  Each fence section is about 8 feet.

Placement of the future pond.  It will be about 18" above ground, 3' below ground. 

The plastic is up, now all that needs "doing" this fall are the Christmas lights and handrails down the steps and along the fence. Then all winter to plan the plantings

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